Teresa Moler

I became fascinated with marionettes at age six when I saw one in a toy store window. For my seventh birthday I received a marionette stage and a marionette and learned how to manipulate the string puppet by instructions on the box. I began performing for neighbors then expanded to performing at a plaza, classes, day care centers, libraries, events, parks, parties, nursing homes, and so forth.  Over the years I received more and more marionettes as gifts, then as an adolescent learned how to make marionettes myself, having created about a dozen. I used my own and marionettes made by others in my performances, with all original content and live voices in the shows. About five years ago I incorporated some hand puppetry as well. I sometimes work with an assistant, and recently consulted with Lois Amidon and Judith O’Hare about my shows. In 1990 I became interested in painting, starting with acrylics then studying watercolors under Suzanne Binnie for several years.  I now create with acrylics, watercolor and mixed media and study with Marilene Sawaf. Many of my paintings have been in art exhibits and some have won awards. Many are available as prints and cards. To summarize, I use color, creativity, variety, and originality in my puppetry and painting to lift people up.