Jenna Rowlett

Naovia Arts

Watercolor, classic, abstract, botanical, landscape, simple, fruits, flowers, leaves, vibrant

Watercolor, classic, abstract, botanical, landscape, simple, fruits, flowers, leaves, vibrant.

Some fun facts:

The year of 2020 changed everything for me and everything I thought I wanted for myself. In the month of August 2021, I quit my 10-year long career as a registered nurse at a local hospital. I was in my last year of schooling to become a Family Nurse Practitioner, and I found myself questioning my life’s purpose and I was in what I called an “early life crisis”. That Christmas, I asked for a cheap watercolor paint palette from Amazon. From then on, I began to paint almost everyday, graduated from my Master’s program, and now am exploring the ways where I can incorporate my paintings into my career path. Attached are some of my works that have developed over the past 9 months. Enjoy!

You can find me here:


My gallery examples: